Wednesday, June 11, 2014

These are the days……

 … we live for in Minnesota. 78 degrees, no humidity and blue bird skies.  A far cry from that snowy night in January when it was snowing about 2” + an hour, and I was trying to get Tyler un-stuck in the driveway after a night of training. Ahhh, our reward! Fellow Minnesotans, enjoy every bit of it for tomorrow it may snow!
Applewood is entering a new season again. Looks like the hiring fishing pole just got baited and cast into the waters. Yep, The time seems to be here. As my last post said, I just can't keep up with it all. Especially the physical demands. ...

I can remember years ago when just starting out, I got a real kick out of "out performing" the older guys. Well what goes around comes around, or is it what comes around goes around??? Doesn’t matter. The point is my guys out perform me physically, plain and simple.

I hate to admit that, but I am the weak link. I can no longer be the reason for slowing them down. It will now become my full time job to search out and sell sell sell. We will hopefully soon have another carpenter mouth to feed, and in turn, that new carpenter will be helping to feed our needs.

Now don’t be worrying one bit. I will still be on the jobs, still be demanding un-matched excellence, and still be a pain in my carpenters back sides.

My 2 rules will always be the same…

Rule 1…The boss is always right
Rule 2…When the boss is wrong, refer to rule #1!

On a different thought, Angies List is now recognizing us as a "Preferred Contractor."

May sound bigger then it really is right now, but we have had enough positive reviews to have one of their representatives contact us and tell us we have been put on their “Page of Happiness” Huh, imagine that, they have a page of happiness! Again, I don’t know what all this means, but we will be talking to them soon to find out what they can do for us. Maybe it’s another avenue for advertising.

I wonder if there is a "book of happiness" where you can find the "page of happiness."
Stay tuned, I will let you know as the “page” turns.

 ~The Carpenter

Photo: Pinterest.

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