Sunday, June 8, 2014

Beauty Bringers

I'm sitting out on my front porch this Sunday afternoon. So sweet to be able to enjoy some "rest" time. The Carpenter is taking a nap. He needs a bucketful of naps to catch up on his busy schedule. 

Spent a busy week on my newest project "A Painted Apple" and one day at my organizing job with my sister-in-law at a wonderful little farm. My sister-in-law and I partner well together and can almost move mountains in a very short period of time. We just seem to be the right combo of girl power. It is very very rewarding indeed. …

We headed to the farm Thursday morning. After a couple of wrong turns- all farm roads in the country look alike- we pulled into the driveway to a chorus of happy doggie greetings! We hadn't been back to the farm for a month so were anxious to get rolling.

We decided after meeting with the homeowner to organize the master bedroom next. While we cleaned and sorted, she assisted in deciding where items that had made their way to the bedroom should find a new home. We deep cleaned every surface, even moving the big king sized bed to get at a large assortment of long forgotten dog toys and some rather intimidating dust bunnies. We "Murphy Oil" soaped the beautiful farmhouse pine floors, cleaned windows and even took the ceiling fan apart to clean.

A decision was made to move the treadmill to another bedroom. You should have seen how that worked! We had to take one door off its hinges but somehow managed to successfully get it relocated. Amazing what sheer determination and adrenalin will do!

By the end of the day we had completely cleared all items that weren't wanted out of the space, finished the cleaning, rearranged furniture, fluffed the pillows on the bed and hung pictures. 

Then we stood back and just looked in awe at what we had done! It was exhausting but so rewarding and gratifying to see a beautiful serene room come to life. Making a "house" a home. Gosh how I love to do that. I love to create beauty from dirt and calm out of chaos. 

After my long career as a graphic designer and later Art Director and a short stint as a Communication Arts Director, and now managing Applewood's social media.. I am really really digging this organizing thing. In fact I'm considering another "adventure". A girl can't have too many adventures right? I'm seriously considering going more formally into organizing. It just seems to be a natural companion to interior design and remodeling. And it still is about making a house a home, a beautifully functioning home.

God made me who I am. I'm so thrilled to have the gift of creativity and to be able to use it to help people make the most of their homes and add to the quality of their life. Priceless. 

~ the Artist

Here are a couple of "After" photo of the bedroom. I don't want to show you the "before" photo to protect the privacy of the homeowner. If I end up starting this business and creating another website… I will have BEFORE/AFTER photos of our work featured there after receiving permission from individuals.

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