Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Picking color.

Yesterday was busy. I headed to our Cobbler Ct four season room project with some paint swatch books to help the homeowners make final paint/stain color decisions for their new addition. This is a service we offer for all signed projects. 

Many people get overwhelmed when it comes to picking color. It can be intimidating and it feels awfully permanent (though it isn't really) And especially concerning is picking the right hue for a new addition that blends and compliments with the rest of the home. …

I always get just a tiny bit nervous that my color instincts won't kick in.. but they always always do. I'm kind of unique in that I can step into a home and I almost instantly "feel" or "see" a color. It's intuitive for me, I can't really explain it. I start by looking at the style of the home, the decor, the existing colors, the "feeling" the home gives off. It is kind of mysterious how it happens in my head and because I can't really define it, I always hope I can tap into the "home" when I need to!

Yesterday I stepped into a cozy home. Lush trees filling the windows with green, deep woodsy shadows and dappled sunlight greeted me. And yes.. I am not making this up.. I think like this.. really. The main walls in the room outside of the new addition were painted in a beautiful warm taupe beige. More warm then cool. The room felt serene and peaceful. The homes palette was primarily warm earth tones. 

I "felt" something between teal and sea green for the addition immediately. I suggested setting the new addition off from the rest of the home by picking a color that complimented yet contrasted with the homes main palette. Otherwise a four season room (which is a cousin of a porch) off of an existing room just looks like that same room has just grown in another direction. It needs its own identity.

After reviewing the palette and decor of the home (and knowing I had a color to suggest) I chatted with the homeowner to further get a read on her color preferences. Then I gave the homeowner one of my swatch books- in this case- Ben Moore. (I usually bring a Ben Moore and Sherwin Williams swatch books to the appointment- more about that later). I then asked the homeowner to... without thinking about it at all.. point to the colors that she was drawn to. We then talked through her picks and I came up with 3 or 4 suggestions which include the color I was "seeing". I also always try to pick one additional color that would not expected. Something out of a comfort zone. Just nice to open up existing thought patterns and spice it up a bit!

The homeowner ended up picking a beautiful Ben Moore color called "Mountain Laurel". A wonderful shade of teal with a hint of blue. Perfect for a peaceful room high up among the trees, a divine place to nap. And honestly… the homeowner had picked a blueish/green group of colors (confirming my initial color pick) and a coppery adobe red- which we decided too closely matched the wood floor going in.  

We then talked about staining versus painting the trim. The home's trim is stained but I suggested painting the trim white (and the homeowner had pulled a magazine page of a beautiful porch she liked) to mix things up a bit and again create a room that feels unique from the rest of the home yet compliments the rest of the home. The white trim will also really pop the rich "Mountain Laurel" wall color chosen. 

The Carpenter showed up half way through the meeting and gave suggestions for what brand paint to buy, and where to buy it. He has had very good luck with Home Depot's Behr paint. They can mix any Ben Moore color. He always suggests their flat which has a very slight sheen to it. And for the trim.. the basic Behr bright white in satin. 

Our crew had already primed the walls and will be painting later this week. I can't wait to see how the room turns out!

We'd love to build something for you that needs color! ;)
~ the Artist

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