Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Applewood at camp!

Back after an unexpected break from social media! We headed to a huge lake/river system in northern Wisconsin to camp our little hearts out for one week. A couple of years ago the site acquired a little Wifi tower. That was good and bad. The good part.. we could connect with the Internet, the bad part.. we could connect with the Internet. Cell service has always been spotty there too. In earlier years we had to boat way out into the lake or drive up to the bridge that connects the island to the mainland to get a signal. It is normal to see fellow campers standing away from their site talking on the phone. …

This year I fully intended to do Facebook updates and write a couple of blog posts. But our little Wifi tower had other plans. So no posts. The first I've been separated from my little social media babies in two years. I felt weird, a little worried and yet curiously free. What could I do? The Carpenter suggested going up to the campground Lodge where the Internet was working.. but that didn't sound fun to me. Sitting there between the pool tables, stuffed fish, pinball machines with waffle cone aroma wafting through the air. Not to mention the constant bang of the lodge screen doors. No.. definitely not conducive to creative.

We spent the week with relatives.. the Carpenter's family and my in-laws. We for the most part are a camping compatible group. This year the weather was cool and the bugs were few so that seemed to make for happier campers. I wanted to take the time to think about Applewood from a distant perspective. I like to do that. But this time away I didn't think much. Was too busy falling out of canoes (not on purpose), painting rocks, kayaking, reading, biking, eating and relaxing by a fire every eve. It was perfect no thinking activities. 

No Internet and no thinking makes for a fresh mind. 

~ the Artist

You have to be creative when camping… had to use umbrellas 
over the fire during an unfortunate rainstorm one night during dinner prep!

1 comment:

  1. It's good to take a social break. BTW, the last coat of varnish is on my beautiful loft ladder. I will be up for a girls weekend Aug 3-5. If you want to stop in and take pictures of the masterpiece Mark created, please stop in. Some of our BG cronies will be there: Connie Baxter-Knutson and Sheila Peterson-Triese.


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