Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A good day.

This past Saturday morning the Carpenter loaded up his trailer and headed to the farm…. Specifically a farm in Wisconsin where I have been doing some organizing work since spring. He brought along Adam our Lead and Tyler our Apprentice for a big volunteer work day which I had organized. They pulled out of the driveway at 7 AM. I watched as the truck pulled out and thought.. there goes a good guy. 

I followed shortly after with the Snack Manager and a bit of trepidation. I don't normally ask people for help. I never ask for people to donate their time. I don't like to obligate or pressure people or put people in awkward situations. Basically I like to stay in the background just doing the work myself. So to ask for help.. for friends/family to give up their beautiful summer Saturday… well something had come over me. 

I along with my flight attendant sister-in-law, have been working at the farm as her schedule has allowed since April. We've been little-by-little clearing out/organizing every single room in the farm house. All while it is under construction. Not the beginning or even middle stages of construction.. but the end of construction where the piddly– tying up lose ends, trimming, moving slow as a turtle– phase happens. It's been messy, it's been dirty, it's been exhausting but so satisfying to see a house become a home.

The Carpenter thought it would be good for our young crew to experience volunteering. And well.. as long as the crew was going to be there.. they would need company right?, and why not tackle some still-to-be-completed organizing projects? So while we emptied the four car garage and organized the spices… Mark and crew trimmed out fussy pocket doors, installed recycled base trim and nearly finished the master bath tub cabinet. 

For all the people I invited, the exact people for the tasks came. God knew what we needed. I didn't need to worry. It all worked out. And in the process we got to enjoy a spectacular farm lunch, laugh at the chicken who came to lunch- no he wasn't lunch- and just enjoyed how good it feels to help a fellow human being. The only bad thing.. it was hot. Deep down south hot. In Wisconsin. Thankfully no one fainted. Well I almost did. Out in the barn. Oh and I almost started a small field fire. Well I will save that for another post. ;)

~the Artist

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