Thursday, June 26, 2014

The small things.

I was heading for the car with Gracie today at the end of my walk along White Bear Lake. I looked up and saw a group of flags fluttering in the breeze off the lake. What caught my eye was the amount of flags flying from different balconies at a condominium complex that sits right on White Bear Lake. …

This building has interested me for many years. First it sits facing the lake with only a walking path and grassy area separating it from the water. It feels nautical with it's white facade, peaked roof lines and blue trim. I've always thought how nice it would be to live in one of the condos facing the lake. To be able to sit out reading a good book and sipping an even better cup of coffee on a warm sunny morning, or catching the sun as it dips below the lake. No it's not Florida but for quality of life… it would be hard to beat for me.

I've often thought about the people living their lives behind those balconies as I walk by. What they are going through, what triumphs and sorrows, with those mostly average days in between. I never see anyone sitting out on those balconies, enjoying the lake. I wonder why? Is it because eventually no matter how wonderful your house is, no matter how beautiful the landscape outside your window… the joy and surprise of it wears off? I think as humans we start to take for granted what we see on a daily basis. It's hard not to. 

But its truly best not to. I strive each day to notice and appreciate things around me. The view of the marsh outside my kitchen window, the way the afternoon sun streams through the windows of my dining room after a long winter. In fact.. many times when I arrive home if I'm with the Carpenter.. I say.. "well look at this cute little house" as we pull into the driveway. Each time I'm grateful for the little things I have. They are enough. 

So I hope today you stop and look around at all that you have been given. Stop and take it all in. Because we really only know for sure we have today right? 

looking for the small things
~ the Artist

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