Monday, March 24, 2014

Farmhouse kitchen

This touched my farm girl heart. ...

A Farmhouse Kitchen

Hanging in the pine-board kitchen
in the evening lantern's glow
there's a row of cast-iron skillets
but, they're not hanging there for 'show'...
They'll soon hold the morning sausage
and the eggs from cackling hens
They'll pour out with good milk gravy
made for feeding hungry men..
Then when they're scrubbed from breakfast,
they will hang right there til noon
when they'll serve a farmhouse dinner
wafting spices through the room...
And then, they'll rest til supper
when they'll do their job again
serving chicken, biscuits, gravy
to the family just come in...
It's an old-time farmhouse kitchen
just the center of the home
where the fire's softly crackling
and the day is almost gone
where the oilcloth is shining
and the damp dish towel is hung
and the after-supper coffee taste
still lingers on the tongue...
where the lantern's lit and glowing
and the day has come to rest
and the smoke curls from the chimney
of a home that's warm and blessed...
 Author: Nan Sexton

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