Friday, March 21, 2014

We're here.

Met with my web guy this am. We traded services. Me website, him house. So far I've gotten the better end of the deal. It's been a challenge for him to work with me– a print designer. I care too much about esthetics and space. I'm picky. Years ago a freelance graphic designer quit working for me when I was an art director. That's okay. Excellence comes at a price. But it's worth it in the end. I will never think otherwise. …

I spend time every week working on the website. Updating. Adding photos, changing content. Reviewing for bugs. It's fun but frustrating because in some cases.. I can't go in and fix something myself. I want to fix everything myself. But after 2.5 years of owning a website.. I'm not sure my brain is html wired. 

But I'm learning. Enough to maintain. Not build. That's where a partnership with a website "builder" is crucial. Without him, my dream would be quivering in the dust. I'm so aware of this and it makes me feel vulnerable. I don't like that feeling as a designer.

I think it's similar to doing home improvements. You do what you feel confident to do. But you start feeling maybe a little scared. Or you think.. that's good enough. But what if it isn't? What if in the end you harm your home? I can harm my website. If I go into the "holy of holies" and mess with the code. And I haven't backed up for awhile. And I can't get a hold of my long suffering web guy.. there would sit my broken down site for all the world to see. 

Now as a homeowner.. harming your home might be an electrical fire, or a small flood or a deck collapse. It can be serious. Or maybe not. My website harmed is just embarrassing and unprofessional. Not life threatening! Well actually to me it kinda is.

And I'm going on record as saying that I am truly thankful for my web guy. For all he has done for our web site. For partnering with this picky designer. For making it possible for us to have an excellent creative site in this very fierce social media world. For giving me a custom site without the cost. Priceless.

I'm not going to end this post with a reminder of how we can help you. If you are reading this, you already know that. 

We're here.

~ the Artist

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