Thursday, February 20, 2014


As I sit here by my window writing this post… it's snowing way heavy outside. I've watched it turn from freezing rain, to sleet and now huge flakes. Yesterday our driveway reappeared after four months. So much for that.

It really makes me long for summer... and a porch. …

I've been researching porches. I know exactly what I want. (I think I blogged about this before- please forgive if I repeat myself!) Strong lines, a design that fits into the flow and style of my home, screened from floor to the ceiling. Substantial railings. Architecturally simple but pleasing. Doesn't look added on, or newer then the rest of the house. Nestled near the ground. 

Why screened and not a four season room? We have a large vaulted living room with a cedar wood ceiling. It feels like a four season room. And it's drafty like a four season room. It even has an old wood stove. I don't need another one. 

Many years ago my Grandparents built a beautiful retirement home with a huge screened porch off the back. We had many cozy dinners out on that porch in the evening. I took it for granted back then.. the porch and my grandparents would always be there. Porches are for gathering and solitude and the making of memories.

I wish now we had built a screened porch when we remodeled our home. Planned future expansions never seem to change their status. Life gets in the way. So here I am. Porchless. 

But maybe you don't have to be? Maybe a screened porch can be in your near future? We'd be happy to help! We have a service called "Better Together" that you can read about here.

Last week we completed a screened porch using existing space below an upper deck. We used a new product that would keep the lower porch dry from the rainy open deck above. It was challenging because the system was new to us and the weather wasn't kind. But in the end it worked! And now come warm weather the homeowners are going to be ready to enjoy a Minnesota summer evening. 

Sounds a bit heavenly to me.

~ the Artist

Photo source:

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