Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let it go.

It's time. Winter has had it's hold on us "blessed" to live north for too many months. Time to let it go. Time to realize that this is the end. Warm is headed our way. We've been hibernating like wooly bears. Beaten down by howling wind, flying white, and bitter temps hiding in wait just beyond our front doors. …

And here at Applewood, it's been quiet. The cold muffles. Our senses, our dreams. We're sort of in survival mode. Not true survival.. it's not that bad. We certainly are better off then those hardy pioneers. How on earth can we complain? But that doesn't mean it hasn't been hard. Hard on bodies, businesses and blessings. Hard to see the blessings right about now.

But we are blessed indeed. Warm homes, plenty of food. A car to drive. And the anticipation of the next season ahead. We're almost through this bitter. Almost. Soon the sun will warm, the birds will talk, the white will start to drip and puddle and disappear. And the wooly bears will emerge from their homes.

It's time to let it go. 
We will be ready.

~ the Artist

Photo source: 

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