Tuesday, November 19, 2013


last night I visited the Carpenter in his cabinet shop. I took some video of a couple of cabinets he was building. We were doing quite well till he knocked the face frame he was building off the work table. He said.. "Cut". I couldn't laugh but I wanted to. He was in movie mode. ...

I've never just stopped and watched a cabinet be built from scratch. I can tell the Carpenter's built many cabinets by his movements, his speed and his confidence in the process. I've never understood how a pile of wood and such becomes a bathroom vanity or a kitchen cabinet. It is labor intensive and precise. No room to slack on measurements or cuts. Parts are measured and cut and drilled and glued and nailed. In a specific order. I can see now why custom cabinets cost a bit more. They are built to last. And each part of our cabinets are handled by a human in the old world craftsman way. 

I don't know if I would have the patience to build a cabinet. The Carpenter seems to have a lot of patience for this type of work. That's because he loves the craft so much. Creating something beautiful from a pile of nothing. It is an art. He is an artist with wood. 

We used to have a huge cabinet shop and showroom. We were seriously into cabinet and custom furniture making... entertainment centers, hutches.. back when they were in fashion. And the Carpenter built every single cabinet in our last custom spec home. That was a huge endeavor and they turned out beautiful. Now a days.. we only build cabinets when needed for our remodel projects. 

So he has extensive experience in cabinetmaking  And that experience and expertise carries over into all that he does in remodeling and new construction. He's good. Very good. And well.. I might be just a bit biased.

~ the Artist

PS I tried to upload the rejected video for you to enjoy. No luck. Glitch in the system. Will attempt when the computer gremlins take a break...

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