Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If they put more hours in the week……

I would still fill them.

Its now 11pm on a Sunday night. I just came in from a short walk, but for the most part the day was filled with work. Not what I am supposed to do on a Sunday.

We find ourselves continuing to be in a catch up mode with still needing that one more carpenter to help with things. I may be deciding to try to go the subcontractor route for the near future. We have a couple that work just fine with us, its just that we have little control of their schedule.
For this coming week it is probably okay that I don’t have someone. We will be tying up loose ends on three different jobs, and getting equipment to our next project. Loose ends drive me nuts especially when I have let some go for too long.

This week not only brings more work, it also brings truck repairs. That means no wheels for two days……no wheels for the Artist, I’m stealing her ride. Yep even the Dodge needs service. Tie rods, ball joints and a wheel hub and bearings, new tires also. Note to self, do better at budgeting for this next time!

As I’m typing this, I listening to and watching Gracie, our Lab, dream and snore. Ever watch a dog dream? Their whole body moves and usually their legs are running. We always say she is chasing bunnies. Speaking of bunnies, yesterday I saw sitting by our garage, what I think may have been a snowshoe hare…pretty cool.

What does a snowshoe hare and a lab have to do with building? Nothing! Except they remind me to enjoy the simple things of the day.

Remember to think of the simple things as you enjoy Thanksgiving this week.

Thanks to all of you who have supported us and our business this last year and years before. We look forward to continuing to help in all your projects.

~ The Carpenter

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