Monday, September 16, 2013

happy trailer

did you feel the earth shake just a tiny bit last eve? Out of the blue.. the Carpenter decided it was time to tackle a complete reorg and deep cleaning of the work trailer. He was outside till 10 PM.

It is pristine.

He has a plan to keep it that way too. He found items he thought were long gone and many half empty boxes of the same style screws. With our current workload, he knows the crew time is of the essence and efficiency is priority. ...

So no more hunting through a pile for this or that. A time waster! Each item– and there are many– has found a new home or reunited with its old home. Watching the Carpenter organize did this Artist's heart good. I love organization and efficiency. I am a "neaty" who has been married to a "messy" for a very long time. I've had to just look away at times. I do know that with creativity and a hectic schedule that being neat isn't always possible. But... if kept on top of.. is just about possible.

I look forward to seeing if this new organization trend continues... the cabinet shop, the truck, administrative paperwork. Bring it on Mr Carpenter! And you know I will be happy to assist. ;)

~ the Artist

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