Tuesday, June 25, 2013

hungry little baby birds!

I'm always on the alert for blog/Facebook post ideas. 

Blogs, Facebook are like hungry little baby birds that are constantly lifting their open beaks to the sky... "Feed Me"!!! No sooner are you satisfied with what you think is a good post–passes the not boring, not narcissistic, somewhat informative, hopefully not a time-waster test– and you are then right back at square one. again and again and again. Truthfully it is very hard to write a good post that is worth reading and not already done. Really there is nothing "new" under the sun! This I have learned.

I started our blog to pass on useful construction information, some creative home ideas and as a way for you (the potential customer) to get to know us a bit. Social media is good for that... before Facebook the only way you could gain insight about a contractor was by word of mouth. Ads only scratch the surface. So Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ApplewoodINC this blog, and our website http://applewoodremodelers.com are a good thing for Applewood. And hopefully for you..  giving insight into who we are as a company and as individuals. Because in the end.. you invite us into your private space, to knock down some walls, make some mess. Knowing something about us via our website, Facebook and the blog will take some of your anxiety away. We hope!

And for those faithful few who have read our posts for almost a year now... you've seen this blog go through constant I'm sure quite annoying changes. As a designer.. I'm my own worst enemy. (just ask the long suffering carpenter) And when I design for myself.. I'm horribly horribly indecisive. I chase the thrill of the chill... that happens when I finish a design and look at it.. and it gives me goosebumps. Or just a little happy feeling inside. No kidding. When I was a little girl.. if something particularly pleased me.. I would squeeze my knees together and do a little shudder of happiness. Kind of like when you get a chill. So that's my design high bar. This blog design/function has taken most of one year to pass that test! The only thing missing now are some photos of the Carpenter and the Artist! I assure you we do exist! http://applewoodremodelers.com/team/ Watch for photos coming this fall along with new photos of our team!

So thanks for your patience! Pass the word to your friends and family. We're here. And from what we've heard.. we're unique in the construction world. 

~ the Artist

PS Masthead Photos:  We designed and built this beautiful home in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. The flowers I grow every year in my garden.

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