Thursday, June 27, 2013

where is the Carpenter?

I suppose you have wondered where the Carpenter is? Well he's been completely buried with work. Leaves very early and is home by 9 or later in the evening with not an ounce of energy left to sit down and write a post. So I guess you are stuck with me.

These days when the Carpenter is putting in long hours are kind of lonely for me. Especially now when I'm working at home. Used to be easier when I worked in an office.. then I wanted to come home to a quiet house. I should be used to this after 30+ years.. mostly I am. I will be glad though when heavy schedules are more the exception then the rule. 

In the meantime.. the Carpenter will continue to manage two projects and do some of the actual work. I wish I could do the actual work. But that wouldn't be pretty. When we were remodeling our home- years ago, I was pulling out nails from studs. The nail gave away suddenly and I ended up hitting myself in the ear with the hammer. That was it for me that day... had to go lay in the hammock to recover. ;) 

Here's the only rested Applewood team member... don't let the circles under her eyes fool you!
~ the Artist

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