Friday, April 11, 2014

Why not me?

Well it’s been a tough night… yep, I will be Dodgeless for a few days. I got home tonight and as I looked back at the truck as I usually do, there was this disturbing stream of liquid raining down under the engine. 

Transmission fluid streaming out!

Now if you have been reading about my forays into the mechanic world with the Dodge, you may be thinking…he’s going in again.

Not on your life! This looks like a job for a real pro. I called my guy, and by my description he thinks it sounds like a front tranny seal. Maybe good, maybe not so good. The seal itself doesn’t sound too bad, the question is what caused the seal to fail. Just 10 years of wear, or did something inside let go???? Won't know for a day or so.

Nothing I can do about it now.

At first, I will admit, I may have said a word or two I don’t usually say. For that I am sorry. Immediately I went into the "not me, not now mode," and this is going to cost a lot of money.

Then it hit me. My mother-in-law, has been fighting a nasty muscle disease, my sister has been living with the threat of a brain tumor coming back for many years, my mother is not that far away from going through more cancer treatments, and is currently recovering from recent hip replacement, my father has on going medical issues, and we have recently heard another family member is dealing with a potentially serious medical issue.

Then I stopped and said, Why not me? That’s right, why not me?

There is plenty of hurt in this world that I for the most part have avoided. Things that have affected me adversely have always been self-inflicted, usually by making dumb decisions. It’s easy to go to the pity party at these times but that gets you nowhere.

God has blessed us with more work, good employees, and he continues to show up just as he has promised, because he is always there, I just need to open my eyes and see him. So, no “pity party”, no “why me", no "what am I going to do?”. We just find out what is wrong and fix it! Just like tonight I was shown what was wrong with my attitude, and now I am going to fix it! (I think someone knew I have to get my office organized, I been using the excuse of no time... no wheels, I have plenty of time now)

I know this was not good construction advice, but as the *Artist always tells me, just write about your day. I guess its not such a tough night after all.

~The Carpenter

PS. Just so everyone knows, God does drive a Dodge Diesel, why do you think Rams are in the Bible? 

*a note from the Artist. The Carpenter and I have often discussed why we have this blog many times. What is the point? Is there any value to it? For me it has changed since we started. Now for me it's more about our experience owning a small construction company. The ups and downs. The daily challenges. This is our story. There are many construction companies out there… but no one else has been on our journey. And that is unique to us and we hope worthy of sharing.

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