Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I started a project yesterday. I dipped my toe into the world of professional organizing. I've always been a fairly organized person. I say fairly because I'm not overly organized… I'm  comfortably organized. I like my home clean but not spotless. I like things picked up, but I don't follow the Carpenter around picking up behind him. Though I probably should! ...

I do have the Carpenter's clothes arranged by color (yes is this a bit over the top) and I do routinely clean out closets and drawers. But I pace myself and don't make it a big deal. Just little by little. I also have created a great cleaning plan. During the week I spend 30 minutes a day cleaning which I call "little bites of clean". I look at the clock, note the time and clean for almost exactly 30 minutes. I then stop. I ignore any dirt or mess that I see… till the next day. This keeps my home reasonably clean so I don't need to do much for company and it also frees me up for bigger deep cleaning projects on the weekend. 

In recent years I've had the opportunity to help with some organizing projects for some family members. I've helped clean, sort, paint and update lighting fixtures, window treatments. And I always help with paint color decisions. 

I never tackle an organizing project alone. That would be overwhelming for most projects. I am currently working with my sister-in-law. She is great at seeing the big picture, coming up with a starting plan and working patiently with individuals in an energetic, upbeat yet sensitive way. Much needed for sorting through an accumulation of life's stuff. I bring my interior design skills, and the love of working through multiple tasks. My sister-in-law and I each have a specific skill set that when put together makes a strong whole. And even the hardest tasks are fun when working with another person!

Helping to organize or updating a home is exciting. It is wonderful to see order and efficiency replace chaos. Living in clutter, not having access to the full space of a home is hard. I love to bring my energy and design skills to create real sustainable change. It is so satisfying to see the dramatic differences that happen with a plan and some intentional effort. And it is a great feeling when I walk away and leave a peaceful clean orderly home behind.

Why am I blogging about this? Because organizing your home really falls under updating your home. And because this is something new I am trying and in the end... it's all about your home being a pleasant safe haven at the end of the day.

~ the Artist

Check out this wonderful idea! After your home is all organized and decluttered… buy these letters at JoAnn's. Paint them the same color sat your wall and adhere with 3M strips!

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