Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Things on my mind...

Well it’s been awhile, I just emerged from a snowdrift that held me captive for a very long time! It finally hit 50 degrees for a couple of days, the thaw has begun, its grip has loosened and finally set me free. This is what is on my mind as we enter into spring….

What jobs will we be getting?

When will the 5 feet of frost be out of the ground?

What kind of mud will we be dealing with?

Is this the year I get my shoulders fixed?

When is the first time I go fishing?

How will the Twins do this season?

Will we be able to do our long weekend camp trip in May?

What are the chances of hiring another Carpenter?

When will I reach my weight loss goal? 25 pounds to go!

Out of sight, out of mind, I need to fix my lawn mower.
When do I take the plow off my tractor and put the mower deck on?

Is the economy really getting better?

A new truck would be nice, but I guess I will wait another year, the artist needs one first!
Speaking of that, when I get her one, what should it be? I say a Dodge Ram 4x4, she says a sissy Jeep. 

Remember all those jobs we finished in the winter, they all need a good clean-up when the snow is gone, Tyler, do you hear this?

Where do we go with our marketing?

Those are just a fraction of thoughts that go on in my head on a daily basis. Some things I worry about, most things I try not to worry about.. Worry is so over rated. Most people give it way more authority over them then need be. My belief is it always works out how it is supposed to, the good and the bad. How bad could things be anyhow? The "Cup and Cone" is open again!

Here’s to going into a new building season worry free!

~The Carpenter

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