Monday, March 10, 2014


As Applewood's "spread the word" manager.. I've had this thought running through my mind as I drive past homes. So much work out there. Every home has something that needs updating or replaced or expanded. The potential is there. I pass by huge potential every single day…

But the people in those houses don't know about us. How do we get "known"? There are a few builders in White Bear Lake that are "known". They've had enough work out there that has been seen. There is even a local magazine that runs a "Best Of" edition every year. The same group of companies get nominated every time.  We did put the word out to vote for us.. will keep trying every year!

I've worked hard to "spread the word". Website, Facebook and a weekly paper ad. Not much more I can do other then stand in an apple suit waving at traffic. not going there.

I don't write this to complain. The word out there is everyone in the trades is slow. I am writing because this is part of what we experience as a small construction company. And this blog has evolved more into a journal of our construction life then what the latest home trends are. (Though I still chase trends and will still share the appropriate ones as they come along.)

We have been blessed with some fantastic projects. Huge remodels, the opportunity to build three custom homes in recent years. And we have been blessed with some wonderful customers. So now on this late winter day where the temps have soared to 53 degrees and the snow is melting mightily… we will count our blessings and look forward to a wonderful season ahead. And while we wait.. if you have any ideas on how we can get "known" other then the Artist donning an apple suit.. please comment below. Oh and if you do comment.. when you get to the "Robot" part… and you can't read what a human couldn't even read… just click off and wait for another Robot test.. we have no control over this lovely feature!

As I drive by your home.. just wave if your home needs some love! ;)
~ the Artist

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