Thursday, February 13, 2014

Instagram apple slices

Months ago I started a little project. I created an Applewood Instagram account. I had this idea to add another slice of the "apple" to our brand. Another destination for our site visitors to explore. …

I truly can see beauty and design in many things around me. And I wanted to challenge myself to find beauty in the sometimes mundane dirty construction site. It can be very dirty and it is always dusty. I love a good challenge!

And of course I've shot finished projects where it's very easy to find the beauty. 

I'm sure some would wonder why on earth would anyone care about seeing a construction company's world layed out on Instagram. Well.. an Artist co-owns the construction company and this endeavor comes with the creative territory. Maybe some day I will have my 15 minutes of fame doing this. Someone will see the gallery. It will be seen as hip and go viral. Then I will be on the Today Show. Well this artist girl can dream!

I know it would take months to populate the gallery and it has. Each time I take finish photos of a project I have to remember to take some shots with my phone. I missed one kitchen last fall. I could kick myself. It's a habit I've needed to form wherever I am… what can I shoot? 

So little by little I'm adding to the gallery. It's been fun. Instagram is instant gratification. Filters make even a jar of wood putty look good.

So there. Done. Have a peek. ~ the Artist

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