Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Keeper of the brand.

I'm the keeper of Applewood's social media/marketing efforts. I very much enjoy managing these areas. I had no idea I would get such satisfaction from hitting the "Post" button or writing for the blog. I've gathered many years of editing during my graphic design/art director career and I read way too much... so writing has been a natural progression for me. …

Prior to being employed by a church, I helped churches with their marketing/branding initiatives. Translated... I would help a church figure out how they wanted to market themselves to their communities to increase their weekend services attendance. I would meet with staff and we would talk about who they were, how they wanted to be perceived, what their goals were. 

After ending my last formal employment, I jumped full time into marketing Applewood, applying all the advertising principles I had learned over the years. It has been so exciting to develop the Applewood "brand"- logo, colors, images of who we are. And what came out of all of this.. my shining accomplishment– is our website! www.applewoodremodelers.com It turned out better then I could ever imagined. It is generating interest, conversation, contacts, potential work. I couldn't ask for any better outcome! 

Now I didn't do this alone. I designed the website- decided what I wanted it to look like, how it would function. I did not "build" the website. I had major help with that. Steve Horton http://moderncrm.com my "web guy" took my messy vision and created the site! I continue to meet with him now and then to learn and fine tune. It will forever be a work in progress as that is demanded in our current social media culture. And I'm okay with that because I tend to chase the latest shiny objects. 

Now I'm attempting to learn "code". That's the inner language of websites. I won't say more then that.  My hopes are to learn enough to be able to have a better understanding of the structure of a website and be able to make simple changes. It's challenging and a little fun for this print designer. 

If you have any suggestions for our blog or website.. please comment below. I'd love to hear from you! In the meantime I will keep on learning and improving this area of Applewood. I don't pound nails but I love to point you to the guy who does! 

~ the Artist

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