Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Observations at 70 mph!

Just came home from visiting a part of the country that values "old"– antiques, colonial architecture, old stone farm houses with foot thick walls. It's like stepping into another world compared to Minnesota.. where "new" is most valued. As we traveled east I watched the changing style of homes. Country ranch and split entries in Wisconsin, small duplexes and bungalows near the interstate in Indiana, stubby squat traditional two stories in Ohio, stone farmhouses and colonial homes in Pennsylvania. 

Now granted.. I was seeing what could be seen from the freeway, tollway and turnpike systems. And in part it's all a blur in my head as we zoomed by at 70 miles per hour. But I did make a point of noticing all the same.

Here in Minnesota back in the 80's and 90's split entries were all the rage. Our first home was a split entry- enter home.. six steps up and six steps down. I don't like split entries.. they are always cold on the lower level.. which is only good in the summer. And the foyers are usually very small. In recent years the craftsman style (left) has emerged out of traditional two stories, splits and bungalows. 

Farmhouse style (below left) is gaining in popularity in Minnesota too. Kind of a combination of prairie, and craftsman with a touch of traditional sprinkled in. nice.

Revitalized ranches are making a strong comeback too. Large entry porches are being added to give this old stand-by a focal point. And Mid-Century American are much sought after these days by 20 and 30 somethings.

Now this is just a small part of America I observed... would be fun to see other areas some day. No matter what style house we live in.. it's home. ~ the Artist

Photo source:  Pinterest Applewood board- Exteriors. You can access this board by clicking here. http://www.pinterest.com/colorqueen8/exteriors/

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