Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Yep, it makes me nostalgic…

Thinking of Christmas that is.

Every year like a lot of people I think, I get this way. Thinking of Christmases past gives me several memories and thoughts of days gone by.

I have always been guilty of thinking that other people need to make my Christmas special and memorable. The Artist has always said I am bad that way. ...

When the season comes, I do want it to be special. I have ideas of what we should do, where we should go, what we should eat, and so on. It seems that all my plans somehow never come to pass. It’s like anything else that has quality…you have to make it happen, you have to make the time; you are in control of what happens. If I get disappointed with the season, I only have myself to blame.

I have found that when I focus on what God did for us in sending his Son, my Christmas is much much better then it is when I depend on other things to make me satisfied. If I am honest with myself, I have only started to do this in the last few years. Oh, God has always been there, but I have not always focused on that fact.

This Christmas I wish for all of you a true appreciation of what it is all about. I promise that if you do that, your Christmas will have all the meaning you need and it won't disappoint.

Have a Merry Christmas!

~ The Carpenter

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