Thursday, November 15, 2012

my design heart

I've been thinking about something... why would you consider using my design assistance After all I'm not a licensed trained interior designer. 

I started out very young doing floral arranging at my uncle's flower shop-Deerberry in Marlton, New Jersey. Very young. Almost slave labor. I would sit in the back in a pile of leaves and thorns..
yes my job was to strip the thorns from roses- remember that the next time you receive a rose! Than I graduated to carnation corsages- my first project- 200 exactly the same! Ended my floral career specializing in wedding work. This early exposure taught me how to balance elements and work with color combinations. It was very creative for an aspiring artist! I can still smell the walk-in coolers fragrant air.

I planned to be a fine artist through high school and took every art class I could. I even gave up playing clarinet my senior year (would have been first chair) to prepare my portfolio for art college. In my 20's while continuing in floral design, I went back to school for graphic design-(my college career got side tracked by a move to Minnesota with my family after graduation.) I set my eye on getting paid to be an artist and graphic design fit the bill. For the next ummm many years... I have worked as a graphic designer, art director and most recently communication arts director. I've illustrated book covers, greeting cards, designed catalogs, retail products and in recent years.. got into branding and marketing. I love branding and marketing... about as much as I love decorating and designing homes.

I have designed a number of custom homes for our construction business-Applewood as well as help customers make design decisions. It seems to just come naturally to me. I love to make spaces as efficient and interesting as possible. I think though creating curb appeal and refreshing rooms is my most favorite. 

I'm now focusing on interior/exterior design, customer design assistance as well as marketing Applewood. I have a very strong sense of color and clarity for a customer's taste. I like to create an updated version of "you". 

So no.. I'm not an interior designer.. I chose to follow a different design road. But an innate sense of design does not come from any books or degrees. For me it's come from following my design heart.

~ the Artist

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