Monday, August 19, 2013

it can be difficult….

Last night I came upon the Carpenter typing away.. on a post! Be still my writer's heart. He's beyond busy... so any time he can squeak out a post I'm grateful. Here it is....

It can be difficult….

... at times to always have to be thinking for everyone else at all times. ...

As the contractor on the job, I not only have to be 100% on top of what my guys and I are responsible for getting done, I need to have more then a working knowledge of what and how everyone else (sub-contractors) are doing their jobs. Even things that you wouldn’t think would fall under my scope of work.

Here is a partial list:

"Did I get a bill from a contractor?"... "why did I not pay the bill that I didn’t get?"

"Did the sink and countertop manufacturer drill the faucet holes in the right location?"... "Oops, we will leave a note for the plumber that he has to fix our mistake"… "Oops, the plumber can't fix it, well the contractor can…."

An excavator starts to backfill a job with bad dirt that can’t be compacted, turns to mush. He back fills anyway and after its done, tells me I had bad dirt on the job. I ask why did he continue? He responds…"well you wanted it done didn’t you?" Now I have to fix that…after all, he was just doing me a favor!

The cat!!!!!  Where in the world is the cat? Is he in the wall? Did he get outside? What is that lump in the street? Don’t worry, the cat was found and okay. Just a scare for a couple of minutes.

Electric inspector:  "who put that service in 5 years ago?"
Me:  "I don’t know, I was not here then."
Electric inspector:  "Where is the permit for that service?"
Me:  "I don’t know, I was not here then."
Electric inspector:  "How can I get in touch with the company that put the service in?"
Me:  "I don’t know, I WAS NOT HERE THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This conversation can and has been from everyone....

Day 1: "What is the lock box code?"
Day 2: "How do I get in?"... "The key is in the lock box."... "What is the code again?"
Day 3: "Is there a lock box on the job?"
Day 4: "I couldn’t get in."... "Did you try the lock box?"... "Oh I forgot the code."

And on it goes. I just have to laugh.

Thinking for all,
~The Carpenter


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